West Haven Taxes, John Picard, West Shore, Colonial Boulevard, Colonia Park, West Haven, CT., High Taxes, West haven Politics, New Haven Register, West haven Voice, West Haven News, Stew Leaonards.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Early AM garbage collection on Colonial Blvd.

Hi all,

For any of you fellow Colonial Blvd. Residents I'm sure you were attune to the friendly and obnoxiously LOUD waste collection specialists "politically correct" this morning.

What is the earliest time trash collection can begin? The last 2 weeks it has been approx. 5:30/6 am.

Why is there a need for the garbagemen "not politically correct" to yell profanities loudly as they collect trash, and excessively utilize the trucks horn mechanism?

Just some thoughts..........

The West Haven Tax Collector's Office..........

Some questions to ponder:

Does it acually exist?

Is there an actual tax collector?

If so why does that person refuse to respond to inquires issued to thier office, time and time again?

Will anything be done to rectify the situation?

It seems to me this is the ideal job to have, no accountability (no pun intended), and ample vacation/sick time...

More bad news regarding the usage of bonds............

"This third confirmation of questionable bonding practices under the Borer administration has been sent to the Office of Policy and Management as well as other state officials. Picard is attempting to keep officials in Hartford as well as the city’s state assembly delegation and the City Council up to date.

Picard said he is working with state officials to come up with a comprehensive debt relief plan that will minimize the burden on already over-extended taxpayers. When that plan is finalized it will be available to the public when announced."

Geeze - How about removing he BURDEN altogether???? What a concept!!! Why do teh hard-working tax-paying residents of the city have to sacrifice to pay for the possible illegal activities of our previous mayor. It is absolutely wrong.........

Is the new art center going to help the tax base in the city? I doubt it, haven't enough dismal financial pictures been painted already???

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Croc Hunter - Steve Irwin R.I.P.

I'm extremely saddened by the loss of a great and very genuine individual - Steve Irwin. My heart goes out to his family. I'd like to always remember him like this: FEARLESS!!!!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Had to get sometthing off of my chest.......

I really do not believe, with all the finacial trouble the city is having currently, that now is the time to dicuss refurbishing city hall. If they have those funds availalble they should be passes on to alleviate residents taxes. I find it even more irresponsible taht they only have 1 person in city hall who deposits checks. Week after week we are given a glimspe of the "problematic behavior and decison making by our city's past and current administrations.......

Oh and BTW - The sand at the beach is COMPLETELY gone.......

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Taking bets on how much sand will be left after high tide this evening......

Hello again, anyone wanna take any bets on hoe much sand will have disaapeared after this evening's high tide. I just happened to take a ride down ocean avenue this eve to pick up a pizza at our favorite West Shore parlor, and was astounded as to how hight the water was up on the beach..... This will be most interesting.....

Bailey Middle School Sign

Hi again all! It's time for another thought provoking issue. I moved to West Shore from Milford over a year ago. Ever since I've moved in there has been black spray paint on the sign our front of Bailey Middle School. Yes I am just as guilty for not reporting it to the DPW. But how come noone else has raised an issue about this. It looks absolutely deportable and really needs to be cleaned off!!!! I have no children who attend Bailey but if I did I would raise issues about it. Yes, Yes I know ther are other more important issues going on in the city right now but there it shouldn't be an excuse to ignore the little things like this. I emplore the city to fix this sign !!!!! Thanks and until next time bye !!!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hey all, have you walked down to Prospect Beach into he last few days? Well in case you haven't leeme let you in on some interesting developments.

Remember the NH Register arctile reporting that the WH DPW had replaced a ton of sand along our beaches that they received from Cape Cod. Well all that beautiful sand that was placed on Prospect beach is now at the bottom of Long Island Sound.

Apparently, the rainstorms we had over the last few days basically washed a ton of the replenished sand right of the beach.....

Please stay tuned to my blog for future updates w/ exciting commentaries, pictures and west shore news.

thanks !