When is enough, enough???
Like I've noted before the West Haven city council meetings is like a High School study hall. No people are getting so upset during these mettings it's causinghealth problems!!!!!!!! Things need to improved ASAP!!!
Oh, and suddenly there is plethora of information and docs posted on the city council's website............
Wati a sec. they are just all agendas, Where the minutes from all these meetings? I only see minutes from the 9/25 meeting, what abouth the 9/11 meeting?
It's time for the people to get involved in the political process instead of leaving things to the same actors. The story of Mayor Picard considering appointing the old finance director shows how steeped in corruption and self interest this government is. We need to have the COC, Compensation Oversight Commission, just like the Building Oversight Commission, which I am pleased t cmpliment Mayor Picard on . As a taxpayer we should bee able to see the name and address of everyone on the payroll on the web, since I condsider this to be public information. Let's see who is getting paid what to do what, then lets take a look at what they are actually poducing for their pay in hard, measurablet, quantifiable results, not just answering their voice mail from a coffe shop somewhere.
7:42 PM
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