West Haven Taxes, John Picard, West Shore, Colonial Boulevard, Colonia Park, West Haven, CT., High Taxes, West haven Politics, New Haven Register, West haven Voice, West Haven News, Stew Leaonards.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007




Blogger WSFDCareerFF said...

I find it interesting that the individual that wishes to take a postion of pubic trust to fully understand and lead the Department during these difficult times has only stepped foot into 1 of the stations twice, and recieved more than 1 invitation to meet with the Firefighters to explain his position and answer our questions has REFUSED every time. How can the tax payers put their trust into someone that has no clue....

7:06 PM

Blogger WSFDCareerFF said...

The Board of Fire Commissioners negotiated a contract for ALL Firefighters collectivally...NOT JUST 1 INDIVIDUAL. There is a Board of 3 Commissioners that negotidated that contract NOT just Comm Peckingham. If the other 2 thought there was a problem with any benefits that were NEGOTIATED wht didnt they out vote her? and as far as the length of the contract, we were in negotiations almost 3 years. So if you look at the term of the contract, we were without one almost 3 years, we recived back pay for that length of time, and actually only signed the Contract for the next 4 years. The pay raises that were negotiated, are equal to or below the industry standard to use the words of others. Maybe not compared to the industry standard of UPS workers. but compared to the industry standard of Firefighters its right in line, Maybe the executive Board of the Taxpayers Assoc should sit down with the Union Board to find out the real facts of who we are, what we do, and how we got to where we are today.

7:17 PM

Blogger razor said...

PECKINGHAM for commissioner---not all members of the wstpa are for biancur.why has mr.biancur turned down a few invitations to speak with the firefighters of wsfd,i thought he was concerned about them and the district??i have been attending wsfd meetings for 20 plus years and now after 1 or 2 meetings biancur knows it all and how to fix it.it's hard to vote for a person when you don't know what his ideas are.i did get one of his handouts in my mailbox.i don't think that belittling your opponent wins you an election,your platform and views get people to vote for you.sounds like biancur is a puppet for someone,he was not even the first choice. the wstpa who supports him now asked two other canditaes first.
i keep hearing about a relative of tina's on the fd.wasn't that person already there when the ws taxpayers voted her in?? come on people give it a break,show us how you can change things,dragging other peoples family into this doesn't fix some of the issues.
how about all the members of the wstpa that have put wsfd in the position they are in. greg m,john k,mike z,just to name a few.how about mark m ,the supposed leader of wstpa. how many millions did he take from the west haven taxpayer??mysteriously those files were destroyed by herman the ole mayor,but copies are still out there,not all destroyed.

10:19 AM

Blogger wsfdcareerff said...

First before you and your group take over....take some of the funds left over from your string of half truths....(not false, but only telling what you want people to hear) and buy yourselves a copy of the latest version of Websters Dictionary and look up how to spell "Commissioner"

4:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO!! Now we are getting desperate!! The voters have spoken!! BTW - How can I get a WSFD T-Shirt? They look cool...

10:06 AM

Blogger wsfdcareerff said...

Hey krazenater.....Decide to put your life on the line no mater what it takes....take the test..go through 14 weeks of hell at recruit school (yes away from family, friends and Firefighter critics)decide to devote your career and life to bettering yourself both physically and mentally...be proud for what you do no matter who acuses you of what ever they want even though they dont have 1/2 a clue of the reasons why we are today and how we got there...refuse to meet with the people that will tell you why because after all we are all liers anyhow.....and a whole list of other reasons....and then maybe...just maybe you will have what it takes to wear one of my shirts.............

5:59 AM

Blogger wsfdunionff said...

gee at a loss for words lately????...maybe....just maybe the new commissioner is finding out we arent lying???

7:38 AM


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